Saturday, 12 November 2011

oops, more photos

fruit in the fall

These are called Ground Cherries.  Not a new fruit, but one that is making a comeback here in Quebec.  A sprawling, low- growing plant it is actually fine in the garden between rows.  There is room for other plants to grow between the branches and, as it matures late summer, early fall it may end up being the last-man-standing other than, say, carrots and other root veggies.  It is now mid-November and I still enjoy eating several a day from a bowl on the kitchen counter.  This fruit very nicely falls to the ground, hence the name, when it is ripe.  This allows for a very simple harvest plan: lift the branches gently, brush aside any fallen leaves that by now are in the garden, gather the loonie-sized pods.  This fruit will keep for weeks in a bowl and makes a great, sweet snack.