the good news: certified organic Summer Squash seeds, planted five days ago, have sprouted!
the bad news: certified organic Summer Squash seeds, planted five days ago, have sprouted!
Well, seems I have set myself up for my first challenge of the season. Today's date, March 13, may be a little too early for this plant. By my reckoning, we have an early spring announced (3 weeks early!), so usual planting out after last frost may be as soon as May 1 this year. Maybe I will have to use some protection when I plant these zucchini seedlings into the ground. Like I say: my first challenge.
Geraniums seeds and something new for the garden, Anagallis (Gentian Blue), have also sprouted under my indoor lights.
Started also five days ago: Italian, beefsteak and Moneymaker tomatoes, Phlox, pepper (Socrates), compact Redskin peppers, and Sweet Pepper mix.
It looks as if I may be working the veggie garden soil as soon as a week from now, the thaw is so early. I will be adding sheep manure compost to the soil when I turn it over. Last year I thought the veggies could have done better with food but did not feed as the soil was all new (medium grade gardening soil), trucked in just that season.
Recently visited the Dominican Republic. Really needed to hear birdsong and see some greenery...winter is a little long here in Ile Perrot! Was rewarded with that much and more. Here are some photos of orchid-draped walls and some new plantings put out in what looks like rocky, dusty dirt but, without chemical fertilizers, grow anyway ... imagine that! Also, I wandered across a small, thriving, family nursery. Instead of plastic pots, they use plastic bags. Language constraints would not allow me to ask these intrepid gardeners any questions, so I accepted some freshly-pressed pineapple juice and simply nodded and pointed appreciatively. But, oh my, I certainly had questions!
Well, I am off to purchase a pair of rubber boots but not gloves. Don't want to get my feet wet but cannot wait to feel the warm, wet soil on my hands!